A Geologic Play Book Utica Shale Appalachian Basin Exploration
By: Appalachian Oil & Gas Natural Gas Consortium (July 1, 2015)

The "Utica Shale Play Book Study" is a culmination of a two-year comprehensive research initiative, funded by 15 oil and gas industry partners and orchestrated by the Appalachian Basin Oil & Natural Gas Research Consortium (AONGRC) and the West Virginia University Shale Research Center. This collaborative endeavor, spanning several states, delved deep into the geological intricacies of the Appalachian Basin, particularly focusing on the Utica Shale and the underlying Point Pleasant Formation.
Contrary to its name, the primary drilling target isn't the Utica Shale but the interbedded limestone and organic-rich shale of the Point Pleasant Formation. The study adopted both probabilistic and volumetric methodologies, concluding with a promising mean recoverable volume of 1960 MMbo (million barrels of oil) and 782.2 Tcf (trillion cubic feet) gas for the entire Utica Shale play. The unique geological makeup and the primary porosity found in organic matter, however, suggest that extraction techniques might differ from other shale reserves.